The View | Future Fund plan cringe-making and embarrassing

“Asking your fund manager to invest in the same portfolio is the safest strategy.”
Professor Liu Pak-wai, Chinese University
Almost everything in the recommendation to establish a Future Fund by the Working Group on Long-Term Fiscal Planning is cringe-making and embarrassing. The report is at times superficial, at times naive; but never can it be accused of fulsome quality.
I cringed when I heard a hapless working group member interviewed on RTHK’s Today programme struggle to explain the fund. Mike Weeks gently asked the question four times before we seemed to learn that it is just a different way of investing the old Land Fund.
The working group not only missed the boat, but also the train, plane and bicycle
In fact, splitting our reserves into a series of professionally managed hypothecated funds would be an excellent way of using Hong Kong’s reserves for Hong Kong people. We could have a health fund, a retirement fund, or an education fund; each developing a speciality to global standards, and most importantly, self perpetuating.