New | Can worn-out themes solve Hong Kong’s real economic woes?
Perhaps the architects of Hong Kong’s government and bureaucracy are themselves the problem, instead of the solution, to the city’s economic malaise
You can’t fault chief executive candidate Regina Ip Lau Suk-yee for ignoring the symptoms, misdiagnosing the malady and shying away from the treatment for what plagues Hong Kong’s economy.
As a former government official and current Legislative Council representative, she offers the unique and frank insight of both an insider and outsider.
It increasingly appears that the mission of Hong Kong’s future chief executive is to manage the expectations of a diminishing economy.
Or perhaps the architects of Hong Kong’s government and bureaucracy are themselves the problem, not the solution to the economic conundrum, that nothing about Hong Kong should change.
The source of Hong Kong’s economic problems is the sense of complacency that hamstrings the city’s ability to find a new role for itself, while China engages the world on its own terms, Ip said in a conversation in her Wanchai campaign office.
She confirmed what I have thought about Hong Kong government officials - that they are more interested in promoting worn out advertising themes than solving the city’s real problems.