I think a good weather warning should be in force too. Seriously. Instead of calling off work or school during bad weather – black rain, T8, T9, T10 – I feel it makes more sense to do so on a beautiful day to encourage people to be active. I mean, this should be done selectively, on only really, really stellar days.
About 80 per cent of the children polled reported that they had sufficient or very sufficient physical activity. However their self-evaluation was far from reality: only 9.5 per cent of boys and 7 per cent of girls met the recommended amount of physical activity. (That is, at least 60 minutes moderate-or-above intensity physical activity every day.)
The numbers don't lie. Kids - and adults - in Hong Kong need to get off their bottoms and do more exercise. The proposed good weather warning and perhaps early release from work or school to exercise in good weather would encourage more physical activity.
I have to admit that I sometimes leave work a little earlier on amazing days to run into the sunset (if my bosses are reading this, don't worry, I still get my work done eventually). It boosts, rather than lowers, my productivity, because the time spent under the sun and among nature really invigorates my mind. After the run, I find I work better.