Talking points
Our editors will be looking ahead today to these developing stories ...

US President Barack Obama is set to meet Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Monday for the first time in six months. They have much to discuss, including Syria's ongoing civil war, while Netanyahu is also expected to urge Obama to judge Iran by its actions and not the conciliatory words of new Iranian President Hassan Rowhani. US-brokered peace negotiations with the Palestinians are also set for discussion. Israelis and Palestinians have traded accusations after the killings of two Israeli soldiers by suspected Palestinian gunmen.
The UK's Financial Secretary to the Treasury, Greg Clark, will take a press conference at the British Consulate as part of a two-day trip to Hong Kong focusing on the expanding international renminbi market which has seen Hong Kong and London become the world's leading offshore centres for the trade. The minister has already met the deputy chief executive of the Hong Kong Monetary Authority to explore the benefits of settling trade in renminbi. Ahead of the trip, Clark told the that more than 50 per cent of UK investment in Asia is either in or flows through Hong Kong.