My Take | Women are better at some things than men
Even today, otherwise highly intelligent men are getting into hot water for making disparaging remarks about women; I won’t fall into the same trap
Over the years, I have observed how highly intelligent and even brilliant men have got themselves into hot water by claiming women are innately inferior in various intellectual tasks. They obviously know it’s not the right thing to say, but they say it anyway. They all think they are speaking truth to political correctness. It’s more like delusion of male grandeur.
The latest furore has to do with a 3,000-word internal memo circulated by an unnamed male engineer at Google criticising the tech giant’s gender diversity policy.
“The distribution of preferences and abilities of men and women differ in part due to biological causes and ... these differences may explain why we don’t see equal representation of women in tech and leadership,” he wrote.
He thinks men are better at “systematic thinking” and so are more likely to become programmers, while women are “directed towards feelings and aesthetics rather than ideas”.
Oh dear! The incident has been widely reported around the world. The question his bosses should really ask is: how did he find time to write such a long memo?