China must protect basic human rights
As the population becomes wealthier and better educated, people’s aspirations for civil and political rights will grow, and these must be met in order to avoid discontent and disorder

Beijing’s perspective on human rights has long favoured economic and cultural rights over civil and political liberties. The government saw lifting people out of poverty and providing them with food and warmth as the priority. Wen Jiabao, when premier, said the biggest human rights issue was feeding 1.3 billion people. Civil liberties were rejected as Western ideals. That approach was apparent at the conference.
China, however, is a signatory to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, and next year will mark the 20th anniversary of the country signing the agreement. It has still not brought it into effect. As China’s population becomes wealthier and better educated, people’s aspirations for civil and political rights will grow. Protecting such rights will be necessary in order to avoid discontent and disorder. A white paper on human rights issued this month highlighted legal reforms. Establishing fairer trial procedures should be a priority.
While national sovereignty and security are important, new laws dealing with cybersecurity, intelligence services and corruption will be open to abuse without safeguards to protect basic rights. As China continues to develop and play a bigger role on the world stage, protection of human rights will become increasingly important.