What's being said on facebook.com/southchinamorningpost
If Chan's relatives' interests there are a conflict of interest given his position as development minister, then all lawmakers, especially those who opposed the new town development, and all their relatives should clearly declare any investments in the property market now and how much they are going to make if the property market goes up say 10 per cent.

If the northeast new town development is cancelled or severely delayed, it will cause property market prices to go up. If Chan's relatives' interests there are a conflict of interest given his position as development minister, then all lawmakers, especially those who opposed the new town development, and all their relatives should clearly declare any investments in the property market now and how much they are going to make if the property market goes up say 10 per cent.
I believe Mr Chan is innocent. He has followed the guidelines to do what he needs to do. Also the land in question was bought 19 years ago.
Well, at least Mr Chan gets the same rating as C. Y. Leung.
For goodness sake, no withdrawal of the project, the development of which will be pushed through to plan.
I didn't realise the people out there were so gung-ho on morality, civility and honesty.