Opinion | As Armenia and Azerbaijan clash, where will China stand?
- As part of its Belt and Road Initiative, China has courted both Armenia and Azerbaijan. With the two countries engaging in their worst military clash since 2016, Beijing will have to walk a diplomatic tightrope

Both sides declared martial law and initiated either full (Armenia) or partial (Azerbaijan) mobilisation of their armed forces, using rockets and artillery which resulted in hundreds of civilian and military losses that made this clash the deadliest since the 1990s.
The possible outcomes of the conflict are either the resumption of the negotiation process, which has been deadlocked in recent times, or further heating up of tensions with armed clashes.
Turkey has actively supported its long-time ally Azerbaijan, demanding Armenia to stop its occupation of Azeri territory. Russia has good relations with both countries and has called on them to de-escalate tensions. While Russia has closer military ties with Armenia, it has also been expanding its economic cooperation with Azerbaijan, which makes it a proponent of peaceful resolution.

Deadly clashes between Armenia and Azerbaijan reignite over Nagorno-Karabakh