Opinion | With Pyongyang on war footing, US must quickly defuse nuclear flashpoints
- As a paranoid Pyongyang embraces its nuclear programme, disowns South Korea and redraws its boundaries, flashpoints are growing
- The US must move to defuse the situation – more dangerous than in Ukraine or Gaza – or risk a pyrrhic victory in a nuclear war

North Korea’s nuclear programme is a symptom of weakness, not strength. The reality is that it is comprehensively outspent, outgunned and out-resourced by the South.
While there is a premium for Pyongyang in being a nuclear weapon state, it has little option. The regime faces external and internal threats. The external military threat is clearly being countered with nuclear deterrence. The internal threat is less a “magnolia revolution”, more a court quarrel. Kim Jong-un needs to keep the people who matter happy by providing bread and circuses! The circuses are there, but the bread requires economic growth.
The key growth restraints are energy and manpower. The nuclear programme answers both questions.
Secondly, nuclear deterrence could free North Korea from maintaining such a large army. A standing army of close to 1.4 million could free more than 100,000 men just by cutting conscription by a year. The North has an unfashionable notion of drivers of growth, essentially massive factories and mines. Yet it just might work, drawing on its enormous pool of cheap skilled labour.