Game review: Song of the Deep sinks under the weight of its imperfections
Song of the Deep is an endearing game but a dull plot and a heap of little problems add up to dissatisfaction
Song of the Deep
2.5 stars
Song of the Deep can’t seem to get out of its own way. While the small-scale project from Insomniac has glimmers of greatness, it constantly feels just slightly off in ways that could have been easily adjusted for a more pleasant experience. There’s a sweet heart buried inside this game, but its unpolished moments obscure it.
It does break from the conventions of the “Metroidvania” style by slightly setting itself entirely underwater. This reduces the platforming element that is usual in such games, and replaces it with a floaty shooter quality, as you have a full range of motion around the entire map. It’s a nice touch, even if Insanely Twisted Shadow Planet essentially got there first five years ago.
However, the increased mobility means gating has to be implemented in frustrating ways, made more so by inconsistent checkpoints. One segment required me to use my grappling hook to slowly fight against a current in an achingly long slog, only to die afterwards and repeat the whole thing over. At two separate points Song of the Deep requires backtracking to collect three baubles in order to proceed in the story.