Move over, Tom Hiddleston – five more Asia brand adverts featuring Western stars
- British actor charmed viewers in China after appearing in an advert for Centrum multivitamins – but he’s not the first to cash in on his fame
- Here are five other stars who’ve profited from their star power in Asia to promote cars, coffee, sake, whisky, fashion, and stays at a Macau casino hotel

British actor Tom Hiddleston charmed viewers in China when he appeared in an advertisement for Centrum multivitamins, which showed him preparing breakfast.
Filmed from the woman’s point of view, the British actor appears topping a salad with a heart-shaped fried egg and some fresh pepper as his partner walks downstairs into the kitchen.
He slides the plate in front of the camera and compliments her, before reminding her to take the vitamins in almost perfect Mandarin.
“I will be a little bit busy in the next few weeks, but I’ll make it up to you soon, I promise,” he says to camera as he grabs his jacket and leaves the house.
Despite some Western media commentators criticising the ad for being creepy and uncomfortable, the video has received more than 33,000 likes on Hiddleston’s official account on Chinese microblogging platform Weibo. “Husband, I love you,” one comment read. “I’m not just his fan. I’m his wife,” another wrote.