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Melissa Fumero and Randall Park, cast members in the Netflix series “Blockbuster”, about the staff of the world’s last video rental store. Their characters have a classic will they/won’t they storyline, and Park says: “Everyone loves a romance.” Photo: AP/Chris Pizzello

Melissa Fumero and Randall Park on Netflix comedy series Blockbuster, about the fallen video rental giant’s last surviving store

  • Melissa Fumero reckoned Brooklyn Nine-Nine was her ‘one unicorn’, but meeting Randall Park and fellow co-stars in Netflix comedy Blockbuster changed that
  • She and Park reveal what’s special about the series that follows the staff of world’s last Blockbuster video rental store, and how it brought the cast together

Actors are accustomed to change, always beginning and ending projects in various locations with new people. But for Melissa Fumero, who starred in Brooklyn Nine-Nine for eight seasons, taking on a new role in the Netflix series Blockbuster was anxiety-inducing.

“I told myself ‘Look, that kind of magic doesn’t happen again. You had your one unicorn in your career. It’s probably never going to be that good again’,” says Fumero.

Those jitters went away when co-star Randall Park and the rest of the cast assembled to film the 10-episode show about the employees of the sole surviving Blockbuster video store.

“I met this cast and met Randall, and we started all working together, and it was literally the same magic unicorn again. I can’t believe it.”

Randall Park (left) and Melissa Fumero from the Netflix series Blockbuster, in Los Angeles. Photo: AP/Chris Pizzello

Park – best known for the comedy Fresh off The Boat, that aired for six seasons – plays Timmy, the proud manager of a Blockbuster store in a small town in the US state of Michigan.

In the first episode, he gets word that all remaining Blockbusters will be shut down, effective immediately, and that corporate’s office is being turned into a WeWork, but Timmy’s Blockbuster can remain open because it still generates a small amount of business.

He becomes the de facto owner of the last Blockbuster in the world. (The actual last remaining Blockbuster is in another US state, Oregon.)

Timmy loves his job, his colleagues, and connecting with the people who come to his store. In the pilot episode, as Timmy chats with a customer who hasn’t rented a film in a while, he says, “What’s it been? Three years this March?”

The customer breaks it to him that he’s been using Netflix, but ends up renting Under the Tuscan Sun on Timmy’s recommendation to help get through a break-up.

Timmy’s genuine belief is that the in-person exchange of renting a movie, or just leaving the house to visit any bricks-and-mortar store, is valuable because human beings need socialisation.

His employees (played by actors including Madeleine Arthur, Olga Merediz and Tyler Alvarez) don’t exactly match his conviction, but they’ll go along with his lofty ideas to bring attention to the store – and to keep working.

From left: Madeleine Arthur, Tyler Alvarez, Melissa Fumero, Randall Park and Olga Merediz at a special screening of Blockbuster in Los Angeles, California. Photo: Juan Pablo Rico/ AFP

“Timmy is the same kind of boss I would be, I think. Which is not necessarily a good thing,” says Park. “The problem with Timmy and the problem with me, is this deep desire to be liked.

“He puts out a lot of positivity and a lot of love. That’s what really speaks to me about the character. But his need to be liked gets him in trouble often.”

Vanessa Ramos, Blockbuster creator and executive producer, says when she was coming up with its characters Park is who she had in mind all along for Timmy.

“In my original pitch, Timmy was described as ‘a Randall Park- type’, and that was because they’re like, ‘there’s no way we can get Randall Park’.” Enter Netflix, which suggested sending it to Park and seeing what happened.

“He read it and was in. In my brain I was like, ‘OK, this is as good as it’s going to get. Like, I’ve really lucked out here,’” recalls Ramos.

Randall Park as Timmy in a still from the series. Photo: courtesy of Netflix

That good fortune continued when her pal and former colleague Fumero, whom she wrote for on Brooklyn Nine-Nine, became available.

Fumero plays Eliza, a down-on-her-luck Blockbuster employee who previously worked with Timmy at the store when they were in high school and on whom he’s had a secret crush ever since.

“The thing about Eliza that I was really drawn to was this woman for whom things didn’t go exactly the way she thought they would [for her],” says Fumero. “We’re catching her at this moment in her life where she’s figuring out what’s next and who she is after she’s already raised a kid.”

Timmy and Eliza have a classic ‘will they/won’t they’ storyline that the actors say they enjoy.

The show’s creator and writer, Vanessa Ramos. Photo: Juan Pablo Rico / AFP

“Everyone loves a romance,” says Park. “The fact that these two characters also had a history before, makes it so special and different and complicated and all those things. I’m very invested.”

Fumero says Blockbuster, like Brooklyn Nine-Nine, is a workplace comedy where employees become family and in some ways know each other better than family.

“No matter what industry you work in are these little dysfunctional families that exist everywhere and these people that you spend all these hours with every day and it’s a part of everyone’s life,” she says.
