The exact number of times men should wash their face everyday
Dermatologist warns men not to be 'over aggressive in their routine'

Hopefully, you wash your face every day. But are you washing it enough?
Dr. Terrence Keaney, a dermatologist working with Dove Men+Care, recommends his male patients wash their face twice a day — and only twice a day.
"When you wash your face, the soap or cleanser that you're using not only strips away the oil and sweat, but also strips away some of the natural lipids in the skin, so it can be potentially irritating," Keaney says.
He cautions men against being "over aggressive in their routine," which can apply to body-washing as well. This includes everything from washing too much to scrubbing the skin too hard.
"I'm always cautious and try to prevent people from over-cleansing and creating dryness and irritation," Keaney said.
So what does this mean for your routine? Wash once in the morning when you wake up, and once at night before you go to bed — that's all you need for healthy, clean, and irritation-free skin. Always remember to apply moisturiser afterward to replace the lost moisture in the skin.