Sumo’s gain weight quickly by eating a large meal during the day and then having a long nap in the afternoon, even considering they exercise up to five hours a day.
How many nurses does it take to give a sumo a suppository? Two nurses held the legs of 264kg Ozeki Konishiki while a third did the deed.
Sumo wrestlers have a life expectancy of between 60 and 65, which is more than 10 years less than the average Japanese male. They often develop chronic diabetes and high blood pressure, and are prone to heart attacks.
Sumos are expected to wear traditional dress in public.
The sexiest-sumo around is said to be Bulgarian-born wrestler Kotooshu (real name, Mahlyanov Kaloyan Stefanov), whose chubby looks have been compared to David Beckham. His vital statistics: Height: 204cm; Weight: 143kg. Grrrrr...
Ozeki Konishiki, the retired Hawaiian-born sumo champion, weighs 264kg. How does he do “it”? According to a veteran sumo-servicer, the hardest part of the job is locating the penis, which is buried beneath layers of fat. From there, jump on board, since the good ol’ missionary position could be fatal.