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Housing Schemes

Lee Shau-kee, chairman of Henderson Land, is trying to do his part to solve the city’s housing crisis by donating a tract of land in the New Territories on which the government can build small, affordable flats for first-time buyers. Lee says that each 300-square-foot home must sell for no more than $1 million, there is to be no down payment on the apartments, and the repayments must be made at $5,000 per month over 16 years. Let’s take a look at some other out-of-the-box solutions to our housing shortage.

  • The Tourist Trap. We run an actually effective HK Tourism campaign that convinces so many people to move to Hong Kong, every other country in the world is left deserted. As property prices in Hong Kong are driven even higher, they will crash in the rest of the world and Hongkongers can move into the newly vacated slums of Mumbai.
  • The Split-Screen Shuffle. Subdivided flats are an unpleasant way of finding extra housing room. A more elegant solution: subdivided lives, in which Hongkongers share bodies in order to halve the physical population. There’s a movie in this one.
  • The Reclamation Waltz. We fill in all of the harbor and turn it into a vast, barren cultural district. Because who cares about living space as long as we have places to stick giant inflatable sculptures?
  • The Government Plan. Timothy Tong and the ICAC misappropriate public funds to buy every single Hongkonger a flat.
  • The Pyongyang Gambit. We hire a squad of crack North Korean scientists to build us a shrink ray, which will minimize us all to the scale where we can live comfortably in palatial 50-square-foot apartments. Downside: GIANT COCKROACHES!
  • The Duck Dodge. We all crawl inside the giant rubber duck and live in that forever. Viable alternative: sailing to the US inside this Trojan Duck and re-colonizing New York.
  • The Emoticon Tango. The entirety of the Hong Kong population is digitized and converted into ASCII characters. The most popular locals get to be  –__–  and their voices will live on forever.
  • The Vertical Limit. The Hong Kong government gives everyone sleeping bags, which are then hung from the sides of skyscrapers. We all learn to sleep like bats.
  • The China Option. Invade China.