Once upon a time, girls and boys, there was a Chief Executive, and his name was CY. He was a veeeery powerful man, in charge of an entire city. Well, not in charge as such, because he reported to some other people quite far away. But he had some power, and he claimed to use his powers for good.
Part One
On the first day, boys and girls, CY gathered all the people together. And he said to them, “I would like to help you! I will use my powers to make the city happier!”
And the people said, “We’re not so sure about you. But at least you aren’t the dude who excavated part of a mountain to store his wine.” So they sat back, and they waited for change.
But instead CY went on doing what he was doing, whistling a jaunty, merry tune. After a while, the people realized that nothing had happened. They pointed this out, politely, and CY grinned awkwardly and toothily. “Sorry, guys, I had to try this National Education thing first, but now I’m all yours.”
Part Two
Once again, boys and girls, CY gathered all the people together. And he said to them, again, “Honestly, guys, this time I mean it. I want to help you live happier lives, and to fix the city’s problems!”
And the people said, “You didn’t do anything last time, and to be honest our patience is growing thin. But what are we going to do? It’s not like we can vote you out of office.” So they sat back again, and they waited for change to come.
But CY carried on doing what he was doing, whistling a jaunty, merry tune. After a while, the people realized that again, nothing had happened. The only difference was that CY’s grin became wider and more toothy, and he started to look quite a lot like a socially inept vampire. “Sorry, guys,” he said. “This whole housing bubble business got out of contol. But you’re next on my list!”
Part Three
One last time, boys and girls, CY gathered all the people together. And he smiled, looking for all the world like Nosferatu at a garlic-and-crosses convention. “Seriously, people. I got tied up those last two times. But never fear—this time I’m REALLY here to help you. TA-DA! A public consultation on political reform!”