
Suetyi Wong and Fion Leung from Time Auction

Want to further your career by meeting inspirational professionals? Check out Time Auction: Complete 15 volunteer hours and you get to meet a notable entrepreneur and join a lasting mentorship program. Co-founders Suetyi Wong (right) and Fion Leung (left) talk to Melissa Frankenberry about their growing non-profit.

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Time Auction's co-founders Suetyi Wong (right) and Fion Leung (left)

HK Magazine: How does Time Auction work?
Suetyi Wong:
We are a non-profit that connects students, or any individuals in Hong Kong, with entrepreneurs and professionals who we think are inspiring. At the same time, we encourage volunteerism. On our website, we provide a list of all the potential mentors. Based on these profiles, people can choose who they would like to meet. They apply, and if accepted, they must first complete 15 volunteer hours in order to actually meet the mentor.


HK: What is the inspiration behind Time Auction?
Fion Leung:
Having worked in the corporate world for a few years now, we find that a lot of our friends with stable jobs aren’t completely satisfied and they lack passion. Many people realize that their career path isn’t what they want to do. They may wish to do something else but don’t know how. The process of turning passion into a career is not something you can learn in a textbook. Everyone we feature on Time Auction has one thing in common: passion. They can give the mentees advice on how to turn passion into work.

HK: What are some activities mentors and mentees have done in the past?
For each mentor, we try to think of something special. For example, one mentor was a professional photographer and also founded an art workshop in Hong Kong. She donated a photography lesson and taught mentees how to light-paint. Some other mentors donated a lunch followed by a company visit and office tour.
SW: One mentor gave interview tips, college application advice and some feedback on public speaking. Her goal was to help mentees improve their chances at a successful career.

HK: What has been your favorite part about founding Time Auction?
Honestly, the whole process has been great; seeing an idea executed is so rewarding. The feedback we get from mentors and mentees who applaud our program and say it really helped them makes it all worth it.
FL: The happiest moment for me was when we heard that people who don’t normally volunteer are now volunteering every weekend so that they can meet a mentor. Just last round, our volunteers put in over 600 hours of community service.

HK: If you could choose anyone to be your mentor, who would you pick?
I would pick Elon Musk, the founder of SpaceX, co-founder of Paypal and CEO of Tesla. I really look up to him a lot.
FL: I would want to meet Allan Zeman, the previous chairman of Ocean Park and the “Father of Lan Kwai Fong.” His journey of reviving Ocean Park is inspiring, and I would learn so much from meeting him! Allan, if you’re reading this we would love to have you as a mentor!


HK: What is some of the best advice mentors have given to mentees?
That’s a hard one because there is a lot! From the meetings we’ve sat in on, we always leave completely blown away. Every mentor has their own perspective and it is all very valuable.
