Power Day


All ye staff come hither—with Thanksgiving coming around, and many of you either not celebrating or far from your families, I have a new activity for our HK Magazine family. It’s called the Power Day, a cousin of Drunkgiving, where we all dress in jackets and ties with white tablecloths and bottles of Ciroc. But this one’s in the office. Here’s the skinny:


A Power Hour consists of a shot of beer a minute. This equates to 7.5 beers in an hour. You may have done this in college but probably not recently unless you’ve been trying to pick up girls in Mes Amis (YOLO!). Now we may be a bit older and bit wiser, but only a bit. Another thing we are: more ambitious. So we’re going for a “Power Day.”

Power Day

What’s a Power Day, you say? Drop that English accent and adopt an American one, where all the best drinking games originate (example A: Kings). A US workday is from 9am to 5pm. Our Power Day will be 5 to 9pm. Get it?


In this four-hour period we will be drinking 105 shots of beer in 105 minutes. That’s 13 beers. Like any work day, there will be coffee breaks, time to grab a quick bite, important presentations and diversity training. These activities will be of course be part of our Power Day.

Moderation in Everything

Thirteen beers over four hours may be a lot for you. So you can decide if you want to scale down, or perhaps, up. The goal is to achieve what you’ve set yourself up to do. It is NOT to vomit or die.

Prior to the day, you must commit to a total number of beer shots. Then, you must drink until you reach that goal. If you’re a slight fellow who can only handle 60 shots of beer, for instance, you are allowed to skip the first 50 minutes of the Power Day, but you must do extra diversity training.

The Drinks

There are two packages:

  • The Tsingtao-only Package. Popular outside 7-Elevens. Self-explanatory.
  • The Artisanal Beers Package. A knowledgeable barman or barwoman will craft your drinking experience. As it’s Movember, they’ll probably be raising awareness about testicular cancer and men’s issues by looking like a douche with weird facial hair.