Lookbook: Lalie Choffel, Charbon Art Space
She moved to Asia from France almost 20 years ago and has been collecting art for 35.

Lalie Choffel is the gallery owner of Charbon Art Space, an art gallery and “cabinet of curiosities” boutique in Aberdeen which opened in fall 2015. Choffel moved to Asia from France almost 20 years ago and has been collecting art for 35. Specialized in management of cultural projects, she has produced and curated a number of art projects in Asia and France. She tells all about her quirky and artful taste.

1. Freelance boots
I wear these as much as I can: they have very high heels but are still miraculously comfortable. There is an iconic flower on the sole for Freelance shoes. They are very beautiful and durable, two thirds of my shoes come from this brand and have lasted me 10 years.

2. Cyril Carret photography
Living surrounded by art is a great chance and a very important thing in my life. Lately I discovered the latest work of Cyril Carret, this is also the one I am exhibiting now at Charbon, and I am very impressed by this particular one: it’s very mysterious because you cannot see his face, and this graphic is very pure and beautiful.