Hong Kong's 23 Most Strange Obsessions, Quirks and Addictions
From queues to cameras to superstitions and stairphobias, the city is full of curious and weird habits.

1. Tutor Time
You haven’t had a Hong Kong kid until they’ve been so overeducated that you’ve replaced all of the blood in their veins with knowledge and Grade 8 level piano skills. Between the extra tutors, the music lessons, the Kumon and the actual school work, it’s a wonder any of us ever became socially competent individuals.
2. Cartoon Comestibles
There’s Pikachu fried rice, Hello Kitty cafes, dishes themed after Gudetama, the slothful egg... The city loves its cartoon cuisine. Shame most of it isn’t very good.

3. Bone Town
Any delicious Hong Kong feast is bound to entail plenty of bones, from ribs to fish bones to all those complex little bits inside chickens’ feet. But where to put all that unwanted calcium? Spit it straight onto the table, obviously. If you’re very polite, you’ll put down a newspaper first so it’s easier to scoop up afterwards.
4. Giving Face
It’s true that face masks started nobly: They were donned during SARS to prevent the spread of the virus. But since then face masks have become a Hong Kong trademark, a unique symbol of the city. The reasons behind them are still noble: To wear a face mask to work says, “I’m sick and I don’t want you to catch what I have.” It’s courtesy. Now if only it was easy to breathe in them…

5. Fadfinders
Hongkongers are amazing at always leaping onto the next food fad. From matcha to shaved ice to frankly weird uses for egg puffs, we’re going to be there in droves.