
Fascinating facts about cats, rabbits and guinea pigs

Felix Paige

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Guinea pigs can purr like a cat when being held or petted. Photos: Thinkstock

Cats, rabbits and guinea pigs are popular pets in Hong Kong. They are relatively easy to care for and don't take up much room - perfect for small-apartment living. They are also rather fascinating, as these fun facts show.

Cats are not just popular in Hong Kong, they are one of the most popular pets in the world. While an exact number of domesticated felines globally is near impossible to pin down, sources have estimated that it could be as many as 500 million.


Cats sleep a lot, on average 13 to 14 hours a day. This helps them conserve energy, so that when they want to play, they can do so with focus and intensity.

Feline flexibility developed to enable them to hunt for small animals, such as mice and rats, allowing them to get into small spaces, under a sofa, say, to spy on their prey.


Other hunting strengths can be found in the way they walk. A cat's back paws land in almost exactly the same place as their front paws step, keeping noise to a minimum and increasing the element of surprise as they slowly and quietly creep up on their prey.

Also in their hunting arsenal is a powerful night vision - they can see objects at night at light levels six times lower than humans require. They also have excellent hearing and a sharp sense of smell.
