Stuck for a pet name? Here's a little inspiration
Felix Paige

If you are looking for inspiration to name a pet rabbit, guinea pig, hamster, mouse or reptile, here are some choices that were popular in 2015 - some of which are firm favourites year after year.
Rabbits are often named for appearance and behaviour, such as Floppy, Flopsy, Snowball, Happy, Hoppy/Hoppity, Patches, Fluffy, Marshmallow, Ginger, Thumper, Bouncer, Speedy, Nibbles, Honey/Honey Bunny and Snuggle. Famous rabbits are another option, Bugs Bunny, Cottontail, Energizer Bunny, Peter Rabbit, Rabbit (the character from ), Roger Rabbit and the White Rabbit.
When it comes to others making it on to popularity lists, it seems some letters are preferred over others, for example, Bs as in Bambi, Barbie, Basil, Bella, Big Boy, Big-Ears, Binky, Bluebell, Boo Boo, Buddy, Bun Bun, Bunnicula, Bunzilla and Buttercup.
Ps and Cs also score highly: Panda, Peaches, Peanut, Penny, Pickles, Pinky, Pippin, Pookie, Poppy, Prince, Princess and Pumpkin, and Caesar, Champion, Charlie, Chewbacca, Clover, Cocoa, Coffee, Cola, Cookie, Cosmo, Cupid and Cutiepie.