Simple French Cooking, a cookbook that pays tribute to the ‘mothers’ of France
From La Mère Filloux to La Mère Brazier and the author’s own grandmother, La Mère Blanc, the book celebrates the great women chefs of the day but the recipes may not be easy for the average cook to master
When they gave their 2001 cookbook Simple French Cooking the subtitle Recipes from Our Mothers’ Kitchens, authors Georges Blanc and Coco Jobard were not being literal. Rather, they were referring to the female chefs running professional kitchens in Lyons and other parts of France at the turn of the 19th century.
Many of the names will be recognisable to anyone who loves classic French cuisine: La Mère Filloux, who said: “Learning how to make a perfect dish requires years of experience. I have never made more than about four or five dishes throughout my life. I know how to cook them, and I will never make any others.”; La Mère Brazier, who once worked for La Mère Filloux and went on to become the first female chef to simultaneously have six Michelin stars – three each for two restaurants; La Mère Poulard, of Mont Saint Michel, Brittany, who was famous for omelettes, which were (and still are) cooked in copious amounts of butter; and La Mère Blanc, who was called “the best female cook in the world” by Curnonsky and was the grandmother of chef and author Georges Blanc.
What the authors call “simple French cooking” might not be simple for the average cook (although can you imagine how much more difficult it must have been for les mères back in their days, without modern equipment?). The recipes include potted rabbit; pissaladière; chicken and duck liver mousse with truffles; onion soup gratinée; samphire salad with marinated sea bass and salmon; duck with olives; pike quenelles with financiere sauce; snails in herb butter; volaille demi-deuil (chicken in half mourning – the bird has sliced black truffles under the skin); guinea fowl with green peppercorn sauce; grand mique (a type of dumpling) with veal kidneys and morels; and floating islands with pink praline.