The best boat party drinks: stop buying from 7-Eleven for your junk trip – make your own simple cocktails instead
- For many, summer in Hong Kong means two things – junk boat trips and drinking on junk boats – and 7-Eleven is often the convenience store of choice for tipples
- Boat drinks can be so much better and classier than that – buy ready-to-drink cocktails in cans or make your own, and bring nice glasses to put it in

It’s summer in Hong Kong – aka typhoon season, aka boat season, aka boat-trips-postponed-by-typhoon season.
I’m not here to judge the bottles of Absolut and Oyster Bays (though I am). I’m here to say, with just a little bit of thought and effort, boat drinks can be so much better than that low bar.
Let’s start with a few simple principles for brilliant boat cocktails: they should be light-bodied (carbonation of some sort really helps); cold (don’t forget to ask if ice is provided and, more importantly, if it’s drink grade rather than destined for the cooler); batchable or simple (you’ll want to do minimal preparation work on a rocky boat with a tiny excuse for a kitchen; if there are more than three ingredients, mix at home and bring the jug); and low in alcohol (the secret to successful day-drinking in the sun).

My go-to cocktails for the occasion are a Paloma and vermouth and soda.