
Madonna, Angelina Jolie, Sandra Bullock and 7 more celebrities who chose to become a single parent through adoption or surrogacy

Madonna, Lucy Liu and Ricky Martin are just a few of the celebrities to have parented children solo by adoption or surrogacy. Photos: @madonna/@lucyliu/@nalumartin/Instagram
Madonna, Lucy Liu and Ricky Martin are just a few of the celebrities to have parented children solo by adoption or surrogacy. Photos: @madonna/@lucyliu/@nalumartin/Instagram

Charlize Theron, Ricky Martin and Lucy Liu also among the A-listers who raised loving, well-mannered and happy kids on their own – despite often facing struggles and criticism from the press and public

For most, the dream is to become a parent after marrying a soul mate; for many the reality is continuing to raise a child after the relationship bites the dust. However, there are some who follow their parental instincts solo and become a single parent by choice via adoption or surrogacy – like these 10 celebrities.

Charlize Theron


The South African actress became a single parent to two African-American children: Jackson in 2012 and August in 2015. Last year, she revealed that Jackson is a transgender girl, telling the Daily Mail, “Yes, I thought she was a boy, too. Until she looked at me when she was three years old and said: 'I am not a boy!’”

Sushmita Sen


Bollywood actress Sushmita Sen defied the Asian norms when she adopted her two angels, Renee and Alisah, at the age of 24. Calling it the wisest decision of her life, Sen was grateful she didn’t “ignore the calling and delayed motherhood process”.