
Who is Donna D’Errico, the 55-year-old former Baywatch star on OnlyFans? Nikki Sixx’s ex-wife was a Playboy model who starred in Sabrina, the Teenage Witch – and is a devout Catholic

What is former Baywatch star Donna D’Errico doing today? Photos: @donnaderrico/Instagram, @RandomBaywatch/X
What is former Baywatch star Donna D’Errico doing today? Photos: @donnaderrico/Instagram, @RandomBaywatch/X

  • Donna D’Errico, the 55-year-old former Baywatch star who launched an account on the platform known for its adult content back in 2022, isn’t afraid to share sultry photos across all her social media
  • D’Errico got her start as an actress with gigs like Baywatch and Sabrina, the Teenage Witch in the 90s; then played some minor roles in Austin Powers in Goldmember and Brooklyn Nine-Nine

Age knows no bounds when it comes to modelling these days – and that apparently extends to OnlyFans content creators, too.

Donna D’Errico, the 55-year-old former Baywatch star who launched an account on the platform known for its adult content back in 2022, isn’t afraid to share sultry photos of herself across all her social media either, including Instagram.


But not all netizens have been on board with her bikini pics being beamed across the internet; in fact, many of them have been flagging D’Errico’s “sexy images” and causing them to be removed by Instagram, states British media.


And now, she’s clapping back at the haters. “It’s not nice to go on people’s accounts reporting perfectly fine photos and videos to cause their account to get flagged and posts to get removed,” she wrote on IG.

“Feeling bad about yourself doesn’t make it OK to try to bring down someone else to make you feel better about yourself,” she finished in her note.

Here’s everything you need to know about the “elder” OnlyFans star making waves on social media.