
Fred Pinel, founder of Pinel et Pinel, talks about Maserati, art and business

Fred Pinel of Pinel et Pinel says unlimited creativity is the brand’s secret of success.
Fred Pinel of Pinel et Pinel says unlimited creativity is the brand’s secret of success.
Luxury CEOs

Pinel chats about work and play – what he’d save in a fire and the secrets behind his brand

The latest instalment in our On Work / On Play series with luxury CEOs. This month: Fred Pinel, founder and managing director of Pinel et Pinel

Job experience:

1991-1998: founder, Fourth Dimension (advertising agency)


1998-present: founder and managing director, Pinel et Pinel


Q. If a fire broke out in your home, and assuming all your loved ones are safe, what are the three things you would grab and run?

A. Firstly, my watch. It’s a vintage Rolex my wife gave me 20 years ago. Secondly, I love art and I have lots of paintings in my home. [I would choose] one from Cyril Kongo – he does a lot of different things, like a scarf for Hermès and a special watch for Richard Mille. He’s a famous street artist. The second painting [I would take would be from] Hom Nguyen, a Vietnamese artist.

Q. What if you were stuck in a desert? Who would be the three celebrities or public figures you would want to be with you?

A. David Bowie. If you were alone, you would want a singer. The second one would be Picasso. After that, maybe Vanessa Paradis … a French singer and the ex-wife of Johnny Depp.