
Marvel’s Shang-Chi: Will one of these 5 Chinese actors play the new action hero?

Chinese social media has been full of speculation about which actors of Chinese heritage Marvel Studios is casting to play the new hero character, Shang-Chi, in the film of the same name. Photo: Weibo

Speculation about which actors of Chinese heritage Marvel Studios is casting to take up the new hero character, Shang-Chi, has lit up social media since last Saturday. The production of the film is expected to begin in January. While the date of its big screen debut has not been announced yet, let’s see who are the potential candidates for the role.

1. Eddie Peng


Eddie Peng Yu-yan is a Taiwanese-Canadian actor, singer and model. He is popular among Chinese-language showbiz fans. He is called the “national husband” by his female fans. No stranger to top billing many action films – such as tai chi 0, tai chi Hero, Rise of the Legend, My Bodyguard Call of Heroes, Wu Kong – Peng is a capable and competitive candidate for the cast of the new Marvel hero.

He is admired for his good looks and strong build, as well as his inspiring life experience and efforts at self-enhancement, which have helped turn him into a star.


Peng takes every role seriously and undergoes intensive training for whatever the part demands. He devoted more than 10 hours of gymnastics training each day for eight months preparing for the film Jump Ashin! and he earned a professional cycling certification after seven hours of daily training for For the Fore.

His determination and persistence and the mentality that anything is possible earns him a heroic halo.

2. Daniel Wu

Daniel Wu Yan-zu, the American-Hong Kong actor, is known for his roles in crime and action films. He has featured in more than 60 films since his debut in 1998. The most significant ones include New Police Story, Overheard, The Heavenly Kings and Shinjuku Incident.

He has also appeared in Hollywood productions Tomb Raider, Warcraft and Geostorm.

His experience in action features and international star status could catapult him to the first tier of consideration. 

3. Shawn Dou


Chinese-Canadian actor Shawn Dou Xiao is another contender. Dou migrated to Canada with his parents when he was 10, then returned to China to study. He graduated from Beijing Film Academy, the prestigious film and acting university in China, where his acting talent flourished.

Also, the shape of his face, jawline and high cheekbones bear strong resemblances to Shang-Chi. Don’t you agree?


Having been in action and sports films such as Nightfall, Urban Games and To the Fore, Dou would be a good fit for a hero character. Just like a superhero, he is skilled at karate.

His sun-kissed smile and bright personality would give Shang-Chi a positive image.


4. Mark Chao


Mark Chao Yu-ting, is another Taiwanese-Canadian actor. He won the Golden Bell Award for Best Actor when he made his television debut in the series Black and White in 2009. Mark is a drama heartthrob in mainland China. Many of his roles are in Chinese historical roles, including Eternal Love, Detective Dee: The Four Heavenly Kings, Young Detective Dee: Rise of the Sea Dragon and The Warriors’ Gate.

Despite his starring roles in action and sci-fi films and TV drama series, Chao’s image tends to be gentle and calm. This leads to questions whether an aggressive and powerful martial arts hero would suit his style. Critics have said that his appearance and personality may not resemble Shang-Chi.


5. Timmy Xu


Timmy Xu Wei-zhou is a charming and widely appreciated figure. The Chinese star is well known for his musical talent. However, critics think that his soft and gentle manner would be at odds with the strength and masculinity required of a kung fu master hero.

However, all is not lost. As the first artist to achieve top spot on China’s V chart and Mandarin chart in the same week, and the first solo Chinese singer to hold a concert in South Korea, he could always sing the movie’s theme song.

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Could ‘national husband’ Eddie Peng be Marvel’s new Asian hero? Daniel Wu is among those who fit the bill