Fast forward: from robots to sense-stimulating wearables, the future is now
Technological developments are moving fast, and what’s available in stores now can be seen as predictors of what’s on the horizon
We have come a long way in a short amount of time in terms of technology in the last 10 years. It wasn’t so long ago when we had massive system towers, wires, and decks to control a home entertainment system. Now, everything can be controlled using a smartphone.
Given the speed of developments, imagine what technology might be able to do for us 10 years from now – or even sooner.
Here are five fun predictions based on what is already available in stores in Hong Kong.
Available now: Robots
Robohon is a robot that integrates a screen, camera and projection unit all-in-one. It is “intelligent” enough to respond to your voice commands to take a picture of you, project an image on the wall, or even dance if you ask it nicely.