A unique distinction
Along with high academic standards and an extensive choice of extra-curricular activities, the best schools in Hong Kong look to offer something extra.
In the case of Carmel School Association’s Elsa High School in Shau Kei Wan, that distinction comes from...

Along with high academic standards and an extensive choice of extra-curricular activities, the best schools in Hong Kong look to offer something extra.
In the case of Carmel School Association’s Elsa High School in Shau Kei Wan, that distinction comes from being part of the only Jewish international through school in Asia, with a stream for pupils to study Hebrew language and culture besides the other subjects required or available under the International Baccalaureate (IB) secondary-level curriculum.

The school opened on its current site in 2009, having evolved from an initial intake of just 11 pupils back in 1991. At that time, a group of largely American parents had seen the need for a syllabus which could include the key aspects of a traditional Jewish education, yet was also built on inclusivity and the best principles of modern-day international learning.
“In many ways, the school was pioneering,” says principal Rachel Friedmann, noting there are now close to 400 pupils aged from 18 months to 18 years-old, when also taking into account those in pre-school, kindergarten and primary classes at separate locations. “From the outset, the aim was to promote excellence, community and tradition in delivering a high-quality education and that remains the case today.”
The founders’ basic intention was to cater to the needs of children from families representing every strand of Judaism, from Orthodox to secular.