Students send messages of fear, love and despair as Korean ferry sank
As Korean ferry sank, schoolchildren aboard sent desperate phone messages to their loved ones, who vent their anger as rescue hopes dim

Heart-wrenching messages of fear, love and despair, sent by high school students from a sinking South Korean ferry, have added extra emotional weight to a tragedy that has stunned the nation.
Nearly 300 people - most of them students and teachers from Danwon high school in Ansan, near Seoul - are still missing after the ferry capsized and sank on Wednesday morning.
"Sending this in case I may not be able to say this again. Mom, I love you," student Shin Young-jin said in a text to his mother that was widely circulated in the South Korean media.
"Oh, I love you too son," texted back his mother - unaware at the time that her boy was caught in a life-and-death struggle to escape the rapidly sinking vessel.
Unlike many others, the exchange had a happy ending; Shin was one of 179 survivors rescued before the ferry capsized and went under the water.