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Children lay flowers outside Government House in Melbourne following the passing of Britain’s Queen Elizabeth. Photo: AFP

Australia Prime Minister Albanese sets holiday to mourn Queen; says now not the time to discuss Republic push

  • Australia will have a public holiday to mark a national day of mourning for the late Queen Elizabeth following her state funeral on September 22
  • The Queen’s death has revived a decades-long debate over whether the country should break away from Great Britain
Australia will get a one-time national public holiday to mourn Queen Elizabeth, as her death revives a decades-long debate over whether the country should become a republic.
Prime Minister Anthony Albanese said in an interview with the Australian Broadcasting Corporation on Sunday that the holiday will take place on Thursday, September 22, to coincide with a national day of memorial for the late queen, who died September 8 after 70 years on the throne. Albanese and Australia’s governor-general, the sovereign’s representative in the country, will fly to London to attend her funeral next Monday, September 19.
Along with Canada, New Zealand and other former colonies of the British Empire, Australia still counts the monarch as its head of state. A referendum in 1999 to become a republic was narrowly defeated, yet the debate has simmered as Australia’s stature as a regional power and globally significant economy has grown.

The queen’s death and the ascension of King Charles has revived that discussion, with the leader of Australia’s Greens party, Adam Bandt, tweeting the day after her death that the country must “move forward” and become a republic. While heavily criticised by other lawmakers as insensitive, a recent poll showed about 54 per cent of the population supported breaking from Britain.

Albanese – a long-time supporter of Australia becoming a republic – was quick to deflect when asked about the issue on Sunday, telling the ABC’s Insiders programme that “now was not a time to talk about our system of government.”

Former prime minister, John Howard, a monarchist who oversaw the 1999 referendum, told Insiders that Australia’s system of constitutional monarchy was valued by the people and would likely “continue in a different form” under Charles.

Governor-General David Hurley, a former army officer, will proclaim Charles as King of Australia at a ceremony in Canberra Sunday.

The country’s financial markets typically close on public holidays.

Antigua and Barbuda PM: Republic referendum within three years

The prime minister of Antigua and Barbuda has said following the death of Queen Elizabeth he will call for a referendum on the country becoming a republic within three years.

The Caribbean country is one of 14 nations to retain the British monarch as their head of state, with Prime Minister Gaston Browne signing a document confirming Charles’ status as the new King.

But minutes later, he said he would push for a republic referendum after indicating such a move earlier this year during a visit by the Earl and Countess of Wessex.

Browne told ITV: “This is not an act of hostility or any difference between Antigua and Barbuda and the monarchy, but it is the final step to complete that circle of independence, to ensure that we are truly a sovereign nation.

“I’d say probably within the next three years,” he added, when asked for a time frame on the referendum.

Browne in April called on the Wessexes to use their “diplomatic influence” to achieve “reparatory justice,” and outlined his country’s wish to “one day become a republic.”

The earl was criticised as “arrogant” for joking that he had not been taking notes during Browne’s comments.

William and Kate, meanwhile, were accused of harking back to colonial days in Jamaica in March after the pair shook hands with crowds behind a wire mesh fence and rode in the back of a Land Rover, just as the queen had done 60 years prior.

Demonstrators accused them of benefiting from the “blood, tears and sweat” of slaves, while in the Bahamas they were urged to acknowledge the British economy was “built on the backs” of past Bahamians and to pay reparations.

Jamaica’s Prime Minister Andrew Holness suggested to William and Kate that his country may be the next to become a republic, while a minister from Belize said afterwards that perhaps it was time to “take the next step in truly owning our independence.”

William acknowledged after the trip that the monarchy’s days in the Caribbean may be numbered as he stated the future “is for the people to decide upon.”

Additional reporting by dpa