Rodrigo Duterte
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Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte. Photo: Reuters

Philippines’ Duterte launches tirade against Obama, calls him ‘son of a whore’

Philippine President Rodrigo ­Duterte yesterday called Barack Obama a “son of a whore” as he vowed not to be lectured by the US leader on human rights when they meet in Laos.

The acid-tongued Duterte bristled at warnings he would face questioning by the US president over a crime war in the Philippines that has claimed more than 2,400 lives in just over two months.

“You must be respectful. Do not just throw away questions and statements. Son of a whore, I will curse you in that forum,” Duterte told a news conference before flying to Laos to attend the summit. “We will be wallowing in the mud like pigs if you do that to me.”

You must be respectful. Do not just throw away questions and statements. Son of a whore, I will curse you in that forum
Rodrigo ­Duterte

Duterte was due to hold a ­bilateral meeting with Obama ­today on the sidelines of a summit of global leaders hosted by the ­Association of Southeast Asian Nations (Asean) in Vientiane, the Lao capital. However, Obama called that planned meeting into question after Duterte’s remarks.

“He’s a colourful guy,” Obama joked, before pointedly noting:

“I always want to make sure if I’m having a meeting that it’s ­actually productive.”

Duterte was elected in May after a promise to wage an unprecedented war on illegal drugs that would see tens of thousands of suspects killed. He vowed yesterday that his bloody anti-drug crackdown would continue.

“More people will be killed, plenty will be killed until the last pusher is out of the streets. Until the [last] drug manufacturer is killed, we will continue and I will continue,” he said.

Duterte, who formally proclaimed a state of national emergency in response to the deadly attack on Davao last week, insisted he would not take orders from the US, a former colonial ruler of the Philippines, and did not care about how he was perceived.

“I don’t give a s*** about anybody observing my behaviour,” Duterte said.

He also used vulgar language to accuse his domestic critics of wanting to please the US, insisting: “There are others who have the mental capacity of dogs who lap at the a** of the Americans.”

Duterte is notorious for using offensive language. During the election campaign Duterte described the US ambassador to ­Manila as a “son of a whore”. This was in response to the ambassador’s criticism of Duterte for making a joke about wanting to rape a “beautiful” Australian missionary who was killed in a Philippine jail.