Japan should ban commercial activities leading to sexual exploitation of children, a UN human rights official said in a recent report, showing particular concerns on the so-called “JK business” that refers to dating services offered by teenage schoolgirls.
Maud de Boer-Buquicchio, special rapporteur on the sale of children, child prostitution and child pornography, issued the report following her visit to Japan in October to look into issues including the business involving “joshi kosei”, which means high-school girls.
“‘JK business’ is not infrequent among some junior and senior high-school-aged girls [aged from 12 to 17 years], who consider it a part-time job with prestige,” the report said, while warning that “once in the business, they often find themselves coerced into providing sexual services by their employers or customers”.
It also noted that the business can take a variety of forms, such as walking dates, photo sessions or reflexology services provided by schoolgirls. Some allow men to be alone with girls to conduct activities that often lead to sexual contact or acts, it said.
The special rapporteur met with victims of “JK business” and prostitution and “they all wished for the ‘JK business’ to disappear”, according to the report.
Although welcoming that Japan has “made considerable progress” in combating the sale of children, child prostitution and pornography, the report added, “the sexual exploitation of children online and offline is, however, still a major issue of concern in Japan”.