Rohingya Muslims
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Bangladeshi police said 15 Rohingya, including young children, had died when their boat capsized en route from neighbouring Myanmar. A man who survived the ordeal watches as the bodies of the children are transported away by authorities. Police believe more than 60 refugees may have drowned folllowing reports that other boats had been lost in the rough seas. Photo: Reuters

‘A human rights nightmare’: US urges weapons restrictions on Myanmar as UN meets over Rohingya refugee emergency

It was the first time America had called for punishment, but stopped short of threatening to reimpose sanctions that were suspended under the Obama administration

US Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley on Thursday called on countries to suspend providing weapons to Myanmar over violence against Rohingya Muslims until the military puts sufficient accountability measures in place.

It was the first time the United States called for punishment of military leaders behind the repression, but stopped short of threatening to reimpose US sanctions which were suspended under the Obama administration.

“We cannot be afraid to call the actions of the Burmese authorities what they appear to be – a brutal, sustained campaign to cleanse the country of an ethnic minority,” Haley told the UN Security Council, the first time Washington has echoed the UN’s accusation that the displacement of hundreds of thousands of people in Rakhine State was ethnic cleansing.

More than 500,000 Rohingya Muslim refugees have fled Myanmar to neighbouring Bangladesh since violence erupted on August 25. Photo: AFP

Myanmar rejects the accusations and has denounced rights abuses.

“The Burmese military must respect human rights and fundamental freedoms. Those who have been accused of committing abuses should be removed from command responsibilities immediately and prosecuted for wrongdoing,” Haley said.

“And any country that is currently providing weapons to the Burmese military should suspend these activities until sufficient accountability measures are in place,” Haley said.

Myanmar national security adviser Thaung Tun said at the UN there was no ethnic cleansing or genocide happening in Myanmar. He told the Security Council that Myanmar had invited UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres to visit. A UN official said Guterres would consider visiting Myanmar under the right conditions.

US ambassador to the UN Nikki Haley addresses the Security Council in New York. Photo: AP
French ambassador to the UN Francois Delattre addresses the Security Council in New York. Photo: AP

China and Russia both expressed support for the Myanmar government. Myanmar said earlier this month it was negotiating with China and Russia, which have veto powers in the Security Council, to protect it from any possible action by the council.

The Trump administration has mostly hewed to former president Barack Obama’s approach of forging warmer relations with Myanmar, partly aimed at countering China’s influence in the resource-rich Southeast Asian country.

Meanwhile, international aid groups in Myanmar have urged the government to allow free access to Rakhine, where an army offensive has sent more than 500,000 people fleeing to Bangladesh, but hundreds of thousands remain cut off from food, shelter and medical care.

UN Secretary General António Guterres addresses the UN Security Council in New York. Photo: AP
Myanmar’s National Security Adviser Thaung Tun addresses the UN Security Council in New York after member states voice concern over the Rohingya crisis and the US calls for weapons restrictions. Photo: AFP

Refugees are still leaving Myanmar, more than a month after Rohingya Muslim insurgents attacked security posts near the border, triggering fierce Myanmar military retaliation.

Aid groups said the latest figures showed the total number of refugees in Bangladesh to 502,000.

Any country that is currently providing weapons to the Burmese military should suspend these activities
Nikki Haley

The Myanmar government has stopped international aid groups and UN agencies from carrying out most of their work in the north of Rakhine state, citing insecurity since the August 25 insurgent attacks.

Aid groups said in a joint statement they were: “increasingly concerned about severe restrictions on humanitarian access and impediments to the delivery of critically needed humanitarian help throughout Rakhine state.”

“We urge the government and authorities of Myanmar to ensure that all people in need in Rakhine state have full, free and unimpeded access to life-saving humanitarian help.”

The government has put the Myanmar Red Cross in charge of aid to the state, with the help of the International Committee of the Red Cross. But the groups said they feared insufficient aid was getting through.

Relations between the government and aid agencies had been difficult for months, with some officials accusing the groups of helping the insurgents.

Aid groups dismissed the accusations, which they said had inflamed anger towards them among Buddhists in the communally divided state, and called for an end to “misinformation and unfounded accusations”.

Rights groups have accused the army of trying to push Rohingya Muslims out of Myanmar, and of committing crimes against humanity. They have called for sanctions, in particular an arms embargo.

Guterres this week warned that the violence against Rohingya Muslims in the northern part of Rakhine could spread to central Rakhine, where 250,000 more people were at risk of displacement.

Police and onlookers inspect the remains of the boat that capsized in high seas, off Inani beach, near Cox's Bazar, Bangladesh. Authorities said 15 Rohingya on board, including women and young children, died in the accident. The toll was later put at more than 60 following reports of possibly three boats sinking in the high seas. Photo: AFP

Guterres told the UN Security Council – its first public meeting on Myanmar in eight years – that the violence had spiralled into the “world’s fastest developing refugee emergency, a humanitarian and human rights nightmare”.

A group of Republican and Democratic senators urged the Trump administration on Thursday to use the “full weight” of its influence to help resolve the Rohingya crisis in Myanmar and Bangladesh.

A letter seen by Reuters and signed by four Republican and 17 Democratic members of the 100-seat Senate also called on Secretary of State Rex Tillerson and US Agency for International Development Administrator Mark Green to provide more humanitarian aid.

The British Minister of State for Asia and the Pacific, Mark Field, described the situation as “an unacceptable tragedy” after visiting Myanmar and meeting leaders including Nobel laureate Aung San Suu Kyi, who has faced scathing criticism and calls for her Nobel Prize to be withdrawn.

Authorities carry away the bodies of the 15 Rohingya, including women and young children, who died when their boat capsized in high seas overnight. More than 60 refugees were believed to have drowned when three boats were reported lost at sea. Photo: Reuters

The latest UN Security Council meeting came as it was reported that more than 60 Rohinghya refugees were believed to have drowned when their boats capsized.

Bangladeshi police recovered the bodies of 14 refugees, including nine children, when their boat capsized off the coast. A Reuters photographer said he saw several babies among the victims.

Police officer Afrajul Hoque Tutu said three boats had capsized in heavy seas.

Myanmar was getting ready to “verify” refugees who want to return, according to Win Myat Aye, the minister for social welfare, relief and resettlement.

Myanmar would conduct a “national verification process” at two points on its border with Bangladesh under terms agreed during a repatriation effort in 1993, state media quoted him as saying.

This article appeared in the South China Morning Post print edition as: U.S. calls for weapons ban to punish myanmar