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The head of the Czech Senate, Milos Vystrcil, receives a map of Taiwan from Taiwanese President Tsai Ing-wen in Taipei during his 2020 visit. Photo: AFP/Taiwan Presidential Office

Grateful Taiwan accepts vaccines, praises Czech Republic for democracy

  • Island’s president talks of ‘path of freedom’ partners
  • European country is latest to donate doses to Taipei, following Lithuania and Slovakia
The Czech Republic is donating 30,000 doses of Covid-19 vaccines to Taiwan, the island’s president said on Tuesday, praising the central European country for taking a step that could irritate Beijing.
“This manifests again that Taiwan and [the Czech Republic] are not only firm partners on the path of freedom and democracy, but also that a friend in need is a good friend indeed,” Tsai Ing-wen said in a statement announcing the vaccine donation.


Why has the relationship between the Chinese mainland and Taiwan taken a turn for the worse?

Why has the relationship between the Chinese mainland and Taiwan taken a turn for the worse?

Beijing sees self-ruled Taiwan as a renegade province that should be brought back under its control. Last year Beijing condemned the head of the Czech Senate, Milos Vystrcil, for making an official trip to the island. Czech President Milos Zeman subsequently tried to defuse the row, calling the speaker’s trip a “boyish provocation”.

Since a rare spike in domestic cases began in Taiwan in May, its government has received almost 6 million vaccine doses gifted by Japan and the United States, enabling it to speed up an inoculation programme that it said had been hampered initially by Beijing. Beijing denies playing any negative role.


US sends 2.5 million Covid-19 vaccine doses to Taiwan

US sends 2.5 million Covid-19 vaccine doses to Taiwan

The Czech Republic’s decision to donate vaccines to Taiwan follows similar actions by Lithuania and Slovakia.

Since the pandemic began, Taiwan has donated millions of face masks around the world, including to the Czech Republic.

Like most governments, the Czech Republic has no formal diplomatic ties with Taiwan although Taiwan is a large investor in the country.