Two Sessions 2021 (Lianghui)
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Premier Li Keqiang’s press conference caps the National People’s Congress on Thursday. Photo: AP

‘Two sessions’ 2021 bite-sized recap: meetings close with passage of Hong Kong electoral reforms

  • China’s ‘two sessions’ concludes with the passing of a resolution on Hong Kong
  • Premier Li Keqiang holds a press conference to wrap up the annual gathering, fielding questions from the media for almost two hours
These are the issues that topped the agenda on the final day of the shortened annual session of the National People’s Congress (NPC) in Beijing.
Sweeping changes The national legislature almost unanimously passed a resolution to ensure only “patriots” can rule Hong Kong. Officials say measures are necessary to establish “democracy with Hong Kong characteristics”, but critics fear the move will further quash opposition voices.
So near, yet so far Premier Li Keqiang fielded questions from the media for almost two hours, but he kept a safe distance – about 9km to be exact. As part of pandemic control measures, members of the press were hosted at a separate media centre and communicated via video link.


China’s national legislature approves biggest shake-up to Hong Kong electoral system since handover

China’s national legislature approves biggest shake-up to Hong Kong electoral system since handover
Managing differences Asked about China’s policy towards the United States, Li did not comment on plans for senior envoys from both countries to meet in Alaska, though he did say China hopes to build on the Xi-Biden call earlier this year and push for bilateral ties based on principles of mutual respect and non-interference.
Smoke gets in your eyes A choking smog has been blanketing Beijing and much of northern China since Sunday, continuing on Thursday even as lawmakers adopted the 14th five-year plan, which includes ambitious green targets.

Stat of the day: 60 million The number of new businesses registered in China’s urban areas in the past five years, according to Li.


China's National People's Congress closes annual session

China's National People's Congress closes annual session