Chinese mathematics whiz with cerebral palsy trumps college entrance exam

A student with cerebral palsy in Jilin province has scored in the upper third for the gaokao, China’s college entrance exam, the New Culture News reports.
Xu Yongchen, 18, could not write until the third grade but excelled at mathematics. In high school, Xu often had to miss school because of his poor health but still maintained good grades.
On Monday night, he received his college entrance exam results – 598 points – placing him in the top third scorers within Jilin province.
During Xu’s second year of high school, he was ranked 111th in his class. His father challenged him: “Do you think Jilin University will admit more than 100 students from your year? Let’s switch target [schools].”
Xu responded with a challenge of his own: I he got in the top 30 of his class, his father would quit smoking.
Both father and son took the pledge seriously. Xu’s father cancelled internet service at home, stopped Xu watching TV at weekends, and confiscated his mobile phone.