Facing tough questions in life? Need tips on how to deal with a grumpy wife, nagging mum? China’s ‘robot monk’ has enlightening answers for you
Beijing temple’s AI-enabled robo-monk can not only recite Buddhist scriptures but also have simple conversations with people
When will China’s stock markets go up? How should I deal with my grumpy wife? How do I stop my mum from nagging?
Xian’er the robo-monk may just have all the answers to some of life’s most pressing issues – even if his responses come out sounding slightly zen.
Standing almost 60cm tall and dressed in a yellow robe, the little robot styled after a monk can not only recite Buddhist scriptures but also engage in basic Q&A-based conversations, according to The Beijing News.
“Why are you named Xian’er?”
“My master gave me the name,” is the robot’s matter-of-factly in response to a reporter’s question.
“Will today’s share prices rise in the stock market?”