Chinese man faces identity crisis after he has large mole removed from his cheek

A Chinese man who had a large mole removed from his face found its absence made it difficult for him to convince police of his true identity when he tried to obtain a replacement personal ID card, mainland media reports.
The man surnamed Yi, 58, who lives in the Dadukou district in the southwest of Chongqing, encountered the problem after he recently lost his original ID card, the Chongqing Economic Times reported.
When he went to the local police station to obtain a replacement, he was unable to prove his identity because the large black mole on his right cheek, which was prominent on the original ID card photograph had gone, the report said.
Yi told them he had paid a doctor 100 yuan (HK$116) to remove the mole eight years before, but did not have any documentation to prove he underwent the minor surgery.