Chinese tourist sorry for scuba tank ‘pranks’ on diving trip in Philippines
- Shanghai man apologises for closing the valves on two divers’ oxygen tanks in separate incidents off Puerto Galera, Mindoro last week
- Diver who had to use his partner’s tank when his supply was shut off says he is seeking legal advice and may report the case to police in China

But one of the divers, who had to use his partner’s oxygen tank when his supply was shut off, said he was seeking legal advice and may report the man to Chinese police, Yangtze Evening News reported on Monday.
The two separate incidents happened last week in waters off Puerto Galera, Mindoro, where the divers were on a group tour from China.
On Wednesday, one diver, surnamed Yu, suddenly had trouble breathing when he was at a depth of 15 metres and signalled to the instructor that he was in trouble, according to the report. The instructor gave Yu his backup tank and, after checking, reopened the valve.
“I didn’t notice anything at the time when the tank valve was actually closed, but when I couldn’t breathe I knew immediately that someone must have closed it,” Yu told the newspaper.
He said another diver told him that she had seen a group member – identified as Tighe Lau, from Shanghai – later trying to tamper with Yu’s scuba tank for a second time.