WHILE most secondary students sleep until late on Saturday mornings and spend their weekends casually, some students at Hong Kong International School (HKIS) are out doing their part in community service.
The Service on Saturdays (SOS) programme was set up by HKIS students and teachers last year. The idea came from a school club called Interact.
Interact works towards helping the elderly, the handicapped, the poor and orphans.
Charity organisations Interact works with include Hanns Anderson, Cheshire Home, China Coast Community, Caritas and the Hong Kong Down's Syndrome Association.
Each form 'adopts' two organisations and co-ordinates its activities with them.
HKIS is the only English-speaking school that is connected with Rotary, an adult association that works in the same way as Interact.
Rotary sponsors HKIS along with some 15 other Interact Clubs in Hong Kong by donating a certain amount of money each year to each of the schools and clubs to spend towards service.