Talks hint at end to strike by Hong Kong dockers
Negotiations may be heading towards a conclusion as workers and employers shift their positions to resolve lengthy dispute

The contractor employing striking Hong Kong dockers refused to raise its pay increase offer last night, a unionist said, dashing hopes the five-week-old work stoppage was nearing its end.
Emerging from seven-and-a-half hours of talks, Union of Hong Kong Dockers spokesman Stanley Ho Wai-hong accused Everbest Port Services of being insincere.
"We are disappointed … We have not seen [Everbest] make any concession," he said.
We are disappointed … We have not seen [Everbest] make any concession
The tone of Ho's comments contrasted with that of Everbest representative Dick Wong Chi-tak, who said he was optimistic the dispute could be resolved within two days.
Earlier, in a break in the talks, union organiser Wong Yu-loy, of the Confederation of Trade Unions, had said the talks were "heading in the right direction".
Ho's union represents some 450 striking dockers from the Kwai Tsing container terminals which are operated by tycoon Li Ka-shing's Hutchison International Terminals (HIT).
The dockers, who say they have not received a pay rise since 1997, had been pushing for pay rises of 17 to 24 per cent and improved conditions. They recently said they would settle for a "double digit" pay increase.