Opinion | Will naming names for poll cause waves in Beijing?
The rumour mill is running about possible candidates for the chief executive's election

Political gossip never ends in this city. The latest round is about who might run in the 2017 chief executive poll as, all of a sudden, several names have emerged and are getting attention.
If you think it is too early to talk about this, you could be wrong. It is not just that preparing for an election takes years, but also because some people believe it necessary to let Beijing and the public know that possible candidates are out there, ready for when universal suffrage is introduced in 2017 as expected.
But is it useful to reveal the names at this stage?
It was amid this latest round of speculation that Chief Executive Leung Chun-ying went to Beijing for his annual duty visit last week, updating top leaders on the city's affairs. As usual he got Beijing's firm backing.
But back in Hong Kong, what has been going on can be summed up by a Chinese proverb: "An empty hole invites the wind … wind does not come without a reason." It was fascinating to see one low-profile name enter the limelight accompanied by an active political figure, with the two described as "a pair for the future chief executive race". They are Legislative Council president Jasper Tsang Yok-sing and former finance secretary Antony Leung Kam-chung.
The rumours started when the two reportedly organised dinner gatherings together to discuss the ongoing consultation on constitutional reform. Then came the announcement by leading property developer Nan Fung Group that Antony Leung was to become its new CEO. The moves were seen by many as signs of his return to the local political stage. Antony Leung resigned 10 years ago, under great public pressure, for avoiding tax by buying a luxury car before the budget he drafted imposed heavy duties on new car sales.