Sir Run Run Shaw: The legend with a heart of gold
Sir Run Run Shaw was world-renowned for his movie-making exploits, but his philanthropy and work with the Red Cross showed his humanity

In 1966, the Red Cross was in trouble. It had no money and even less blood. The organising committee was desperate.
"Can we ask Run Run to help?" someone asked.
A call went out to Sir Run Run Shaw at his movie city in Clear Water Bay. He knew little about the Red Cross.
Typically, he threw his energy and influence into the effort, staging a gala charity premiere with entry set at HK$1,000 per couple. The committee was stunned. Who could afford such an extravagant price to see a film?
Sir Run Run held a party at his palatial home on a crest above the studios.
Paying HK$1,000 for a good cause was not really all that expensive, he explained to the guests. The theatre was packed.
That solved the immediate money problem. But then he started asking questions about the Red Cross.