Eddie Ng vows to ensure students on overseas scholarships return to serve

A judging committee will be set up to ensure that top pupils awarded a new scholarship for studying at renowned overseas universities will return after graduation, the education minister said yesterday.
The scholarship, announced in the policy address, will award up to 100 secondary school graduates each year a maximum of HK$250,000. Another means-tested grant of up to HK$200,000 a year will be added for those in financial difficulties.
Concerns were raised as soon as the measure was announced on Wednesday that public money would be wasted if the recipients never returned.
"We definitely want them back," Secretary for Education Eddie Ng Hak-kim said, calling the scholarship "Hong Kong-centric".
"Whoever is interested will need to convince [the committee] that he or she will eventually be able to come back, serve and contribute to Hong Kong."
Ng said that the scheme would be effective until the 2018-19 school year, when the government would review its effectiveness and decide whether it should continue.