Hong Kong overtaken by Singapore as third leading global financial centre
Although margin still narrow, lawmaker says Legislative Council delays in approving projects have hit city hard

Hong Kong risks losing its competitive edge after being overtaken by Singapore as the third leading global financial centre, according to the latest survey by research institute Z/Yen Group.
Hong Kong slipped to fourth while Singapore climbed one place by just two points among 86 financial centres surveyed for their global competitiveness.
London remained in the top spot, climbing four points in the ratings to lead New York by eight points, in the study based on 24,495 assessments by 2,520 financial professionals last year.

“It shows the competition is very keen in the financial services industry in the region.”
The spokesman added that different surveys used various methodologies, saying Hong Kong had been named the world’s second most competitive economy after the US in the International Institute for Management Development World Competitiveness Yearbook.