Taiwan master offers handwriting with a human touch
Ye Ye honed his Chinese character skills after he was told at school that he was the ugliest writer in class

There is no chasm that cannot be bridged by sincerity, especially when it’s conveyed in a handwritten letter. Handwriting compels you to revisit the basics and helps build bridges between people by putting pen to paper. This is what 30-year-old Taiwan-born handwriting expert Ye Ye wants to focus on.
Ye was recently in the city for the annual Hong Kong Book Fair, gracing visitors with his live demonstrations.
He started off as a teacher of fine arts, but is now a full-time instructor of handwriting skills for both adults and children.
Ye’s determination to improve his handwriting was spurred after he was ridiculed by a classmate back in Secondary Three.
“The reason I started to practice writing was due to someone who I feel is an important benefactor.