Hong Kong exam authority warns DSE candidates over taking photos after students, teachers celebrate final liberal studies exam
- Concerns raised after three images on Instagram showed nearly 50 candidates and some teachers standing on stage of school’s exam hall after sitting paper
- Examination authority says it will contact school to learn more about incident, but school hall was no longer examination venue once assessment ended

Hong Kong’s examination authority has warned candidates against taking pictures at any stage of their assessments after photos on social media showed students and teachers celebrating the completion of the final liberal studies papers.
The warning by the Hong Kong Examinations and Assessment Authority on Friday came a day after at least three photos were uploaded to Instagram showing nearly 50 youngsters and some teachers on the stage of the China Holiness Church Living Spirit College’s exam hall.
Students are not allowed to take photos in assessment halls during or after a test under the city’s exam rules. Anyone caught in breach of the direction could have marks deducted from their papers.
The images from Thursday showed the candidates holding up that day’s liberal studies exam papers. It remained uncertain whether the teachers had invigilated the test.

One picture also featured candidates and teachers throwing the Diploma of Secondary Education papers up in the air and bidding farewell to the soon-to-be-scrapped 13-year core subject, with a caption saying: “Goodbye love-hate liberal studies”.