Hong Kong budget 2024-25
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The Gerontech and Innovation Expo cum Summit in 2017. The city’s innovation chief says many life and health technology firms have been looking to set up shop in Hong Kong. Photo: David Wong

10 technology firms to establish base in Hong Kong as part of government efforts to lure foreign, mainland companies: innovation chief

  • Firms expected to sign agreement specialise in areas such as life and health technology, artificial intelligence and data science
  • Many life and health technology companies want to set up shop in city to access mainland Chinese market, innovation chief Sun Dong says

More than 10 technology firms are expected to establish a base in Hong Kong under a second round of agreements to be signed this month as part of a government initiative to lure foreign and mainland Chinese companies, the city’s innovation chief has said.

Secretary for Innovation, Technology and Industry Sun Dong on Saturday expressed confidence in the IT sector, pointing to a projected 1.3 per cent or higher rise next year in the ratio of gross domestic expenditure on research and development to gross domestic product (GDP), up from 1.07 per cent in 2022.

Sun said the companies signing the agreements specialised in areas such as life and health technology, artificial intelligence, data science, advanced manufacturing and new energy technology.

“Many overseas companies focusing on life and health technology have been eyeing Hong Kong as they want to develop in mainland China as well,” he told a radio programme, adding that such firms had great potential despite being smaller compared with their mainland counterparts.

Secretary for Innovation, Technology and Industry Sun Dong says the city excels in medical research, with two world-class universities equipped with leading medical schools. Photo: Edmond So

The local health sector’s global links were another reason for overseas firms to set up research centres in Hong Kong, Sun added.

“For example, our clinical data is recognised internationally,” he said. “Therefore, they think Hong Kong has more opportunities for development.

“We have precious data for new drug developments and they will benefit from this and open up on the mainland market as well.”

The government would sign agreements with these companies in March, Sun said.

The innovation chief made the announcement five months after the government signed agreements with 20 firms setting up or expanding their businesses in Hong Kong in a ceremony hosted by the Office for Attracting Strategic Enterprises.

The government at the time said more than 30 foreign and mainland Chinese companies had pledged to invest about HK$30 billion (US$3.8 billion) in Hong Kong and were expected to create about 10,000 jobs.

Eighty per cent of the 30 enterprises are from the mainland, including top names such as tech giant Huawei, e-commerce company JD and food delivery operator Meituan.

British pharmaceutical giant AstraZeneca and US-based biomedical company Sirnaomics were also among the international companies that signed agreements and attended the event.

Sun said on Saturday that the latest move aligned with an announcement made during Wednesday’s budget address, which earmarked HK$6 billion in subsidies for local universities to collaborate with mainland and overseas organisations to set up life and health technology research institutes in the city.

Hong Kong excelled in medical research, with two world-class universities equipped with leading medical schools and scientific research teams, he added.

He said in addition to having a comprehensive public health system, the city had funnelled a large number of resources into research and development.

“In the past, our allocation [of resources] was basically scattered as Hong Kong lacked a large platform for investment in this area. It turned out that the most talented scientists did not pick Hong Kong and went to other cities and countries,” he said.

“This time, setting up life and health technology research institutes is aimed at creating a critical mass to strengthen Hong Kong’s advantages.”

He called on industry players to invest more in the sector to help transform it into the main driving force behind the city’s GDP.

According to Sun, the government’s investment comprises 53 per cent of the sector, a stark contrast to 10 per cent by the Shenzhen government, with the remaining portion covered by the private sector.

The innovation chief will lead a delegation of representatives from the IT industry on a five-day visit to Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates on Sunday, with the aim of strengthening cooperation in areas such as technology, according to authorities.

During the trip, he will attend a technology conference in Saudi Arabia and introduce the Hong Kong pavilion organised by the Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation and Cyberport at the event.

The delegation will meet local political, business and IT leaders and visit technology clusters and enterprises in the country.